Winning Be Real
Their are those who claim they have a winning percentage of 90% on their
selections. Let me tell you, "they are dreaming" I am saying this in a very
polite way. Don't get me wrong their will be the weeks or even months you
are hot ( LUCKY ), but the truth is this will not last. If I could select
winners with a 90% win average I would be sitting on my yacht drinking
Martini's. I would never have to work again and most likely be closing the
sportbooks one at a time. The true professional gambler or the casual
knowledgeable player understand that the break even point is 52.38% and is
trying to maintain a winning record of 55% to 60% on their plays. This would
give you a return of 5% to 10% on every dollar wager over the long term.
This may not sound good but let me explain the type of return this is going
to produce.
COMPOUNDED 10% - 6 MONTHS = 77.3%
COMPOUNDED 10% - 12 MONTHS = 314%
Don't you think this is a great return. I grant you the risk is greater. But
that goes with the great return. This is why they call it Gambling!
The Big Score
The Big Score, we are always waiting for the big one to come our way. This
does happen but please don't go broke dreaming and making all the exotic
bets and forgetting all the rules to knowledgeable wagering. If you want the
big one go play the lotto and keep wishing.
Money Management
Keep good records and wager with a bankroll that you are able to afford.
Break down your wagers into sessions or percentages.This can be determine in
different ways such as 5% of your bankroll per play or 20% per session. Make
these decision before you begin your wagering.
I would not use more than 2% of my bankroll on a wager !!
Self Discipline
NEVER NEVER chase, don't increase your wagers and don't make all kinds of
exotic bets . Tomorrow is again another day if you can't control your self
discipline than I would suggest that you go fishing or else in the long run
you will go broke.
Shop for the best line . Believe me that a half-point can be the difference
of winning or losing another twenty games for the season.
Most players will allow themselves to lose more than they would allow
themselves to win. This is not a rare situation, this is one of the main
reasons gamblers and even recreational players hurt themselves financially.
Do you see many sportbooks going out of business, this is one of the reasons
they do quite well. You must have self discipline and knowledge to show a
profit. This applies to all forms of gambling, it has been the downfall of
many gamblers who lose their bankroll. You can't win everyday ! Their will
be times when you will have periods of losing streaks that could last weeks
and even months. This could be a disaster to your bankroll. You must
remember money management. Luck is a factor that does come into play and
when it is on your side go with it. But when it is against you take a break
and wager less. Don't chase and increase your wagers or make additional bets
this is what I call, "destruction" . Your bankroll will be finish.